Sunday, October 31, 2010

Three Going on Thirty

I can't believe that in 19 days my Baby Bee will turn three. My baby is now a big girl. She doesn't need me to change her clothes any more. And lately we realised that she's starting to act and say things like an adult. A week ago my dad asked her what she wants for her birthday present. Her answer was a table fan so that she can put it in her room at the new house or a cabinet for her mountain-high pile of toys which I keep complaining about. Now I ask you, is that the answer a kid would give? She didn't ask for toys, instead she wanted practical items for her room. That is why my dad says she is three going on thirty.

Another thing we've noticed is her sharp memory. She remembers everything that goes on. One game my dad likes to play with her every night is to ask her what colour shirt he wore to the office earlier that morning. Ninety percent of the time her answer will be correct right down to the pattern, i.e whether it was plain, striped or patterned.

However, even with her adult-like behaviour and skills, she now quite oftenly throws tantrums especially when she wants something but we do it wrongly. We keep telling her that she should express her needs nicely when she wants something but she doesn't get it. In the end, Shah or I will end up shouting and her crying. We expect her to act like an adult and understand our reasoning but we often forget that she is just a kid. We now have to think of other ways to deal with her tantrums. So, how do you parents deal with kids' tantrums?

P.S. That is the picture of my Baby Bee in the 'telekung' she got as a gift from Aunty Fedy. Thank you Fedy for the gift, Maisarah loves it and uses it a lot.


Fedyeu said...

Ala ayunya maisarah.. good girl,maisarah! solat rajin2 tau!

bumble_bee said...

Thanks Aunty Fedy. Maisarah harap dia boleh jadi macam Zahraa yang suka ikut mommy and abah dia solat jemaah.

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