Friday, January 23, 2009

Random stuff

This is a tag from Fedy which I was supposed to do few weeks ago. Anyway, most people have done this. So here goes my list of 16 ramdom stuff..

Directions: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog/Facebook note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment or tag them in your note to read this.

  1. I'm not the type who likes to quit and am very determined to finish what I started. When I was doing my PhD, I wanted to quit many times but persevered somehow. So alhamdulilah, I managed to pull through. All thanks to Allah and my darling hubby.

  2. I fall asleep very easily. Sometimes while talking to my hubby I dozed off. Hubby syas I can even sleep if I am thrown into the sea.

  3. I used to get up easily too. Just call my name and I will be awake within seconds. But now that I'm a working mommy and wife, I'm not too sure if I can wake up as easily.

  4. My hubby is my one and only boyfriend.

  5. My hubby cooked most of my meals and did all the house chores when I was writing up my PhD thesis.

  6. When I eat, the food on my plate must be arranged such that they are separate from each other. No food must be placed on my rice and the lots of gravy on the rice. Then I will take a bit of each 'lauk' with rice and eat.

  7. I like to watch TV. I will watch whatever is on TV as long as it is not too boring. I can also start watch a movie half way through and still get to figure out the plot.

  8. I learned to cook during my second year oin the UK when I had to live off-campis with some friends. Even so, I don't think I'm that bad at cooking. Although I may have lost some skills since we came back to Malaysia and lovely food can just be bought anywhere, anytime.

  9. Housechores is not something I like doing. But when I need to do them, I will make sure the outcome is perfect. For instance, I will clean the kitchen or toilet until it is free of all dirt, nice smelling and shining. I become the 'cleaning b*tch' as Shah says.

  10. I've been blogging since 2005 as a means to release stress during my PhD studies. But ever since I started working I have not been updating this blog as frequent as I used to.

  11. I was made in UK but born in Malaysia. My parents were still studying when they found out I was in my mommy's tummy. My mom came back to Malaysia to give birth to me and then went back to UK so I was left with my grandparents. My parents came back to Malaysia when I was 1 year old.

  12. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 7 years old and my sister was 5. Since then, we lived with my mom and we visited our dad often. My mom remarried and I got another brother. I also got 3 more brothers and 1 more sister when my dad remarried. So in total I have 6 siblings.

  13. Shah and I got married in Malay*sia Hall, London on 29 March 2002 while we were in our 1st year of PhD. We travelled to London from Nottingham by train that morning and got ready at a friends place. My mom came from Malaysia a week earlier. We had a small reception after the akad.

  14. We had another 3 big wedding receptions. One was in Nottingham a week after the akad in which the guest list was around 200 people. In September 2002, we had the formal receptions in PJ and Kangar for all our relative and friends.

  15. After Shah and I got married, I started listing out names for our future children. Most of them were for girls and I had planned tht all our children will hae the initials 'A' and 'S' after our names. My favourite name was 'Alisya Sofia'. However, none of our daughters will have that name as Shah's brother had named his daughter the exact name (with a different spelling) when she was born in 2005.

  16. I like cooking desserts. My specialty is bread and butter pudding.

Well, as you can see my thoughts were very random when I compiled this list. It took me 2 days to finish it. I won't pass this tag on to any one as most have done it.

1 comment:

Fedyeu said...

bile pk2, aah la, k.anisa suke susun lauk2 n then amek sket2 kn.. hehe.. bes2 bace psal k.anisa

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