Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Maisarah @ 11 months

The little Princess is almost 1 year old. Time has sure gone by quickly since she was born. I guess it's time for me to post some updates on Miasarah.

  1. She talks - Maisarah can say qute a few words now like 'cat', 'nak', 'book', 'bag', 'bib', 'atas' - indicating that she wants to go upstairs, 'bear', 'kaki', 'girl', 'boy', 'habis' and a few more which I can't remember.
  2. She's able to recall her family members by name - every day she likes to look at our family portrait and when we point to our pictures she will be able to call out our names, i.e. 'Mummy', 'Abah', 'Mama Ya' (my sister), 'Uncle Dan' (my brother), 'Baba' (my mom), 'Habib' (my dad), 'Wan' (Shah's Dad) and 'Mak Tok' (Shah's Mom).
  3. She walks - these past few days she has become more confident to walk. I think by next week she will be walking all over the house.
  4. She loves books - ever day she will ask me to read at least one of her books over and over again. Mommy yang penat.
  5. She likes to scream for her Abah and Baba.
  6. She will wait for us to finish solat so that she can 'Amin' (perform dua') with us.
  7. She will 'half-crawl, half-leg paddle' when she wants to move fast from one place to another. It's difficult to imagine but I have a videos of her doing this. Maybe I'll upload it one day.

I guess those are the things that I can remember off-hand. Maisarah has certainly grown up and her motor and cognitive skills are increasing day by day. It is such a wonder to see her grow and I certainly enjoy these past few months with her as she is so playful, talkative and can respond back to us whenever we talk or play with her.

Last week Maisarah came down with quite a high fever. Her temerature was close to 39 degrees Celcius. I had to bring her to the clinic and made sure her head was sponged with a damp cloth. Luckily the fever subsided the following day. But, since Sunday, Maisarah has been having a cold and she has been acting up. She cries whenever she doesn't get what she wants and if we persist to deny her wishes she will start screaming. I hope this is because she is unwell and not because she is becoming a spoilt little girl.

P/S: On the breastfeeding front, Maisarah is still breast fed and I am very thankful to Allah for bestowing me the opportunity to provide Maisarah with her milk for almost 12 months. InsyaAllah, I will continue to breastfeed her until she turns 2 years old or she herself weans, which ever comes first.


Anonymous said...

i ingt u dah delete ur blog...
hei, masarah dh nak setahun kan??
wahhh... kejap betul. x lama lg tasneem pulak. hehe.
anyhow, i'm planning to join the malaysian babywearers walk @ the curve this coming sunday,16th. jom lah join!
but i'll be with tasneem only since ib has to go to johor for his scout jamboree.

bumble_bee said...

Hehe...mula2 tu ada ingat nak delete blog ni sebab dah lama sgt tak post. But I didn't, cuma tukar URL aje...skrg dah ada semangat balik nak blog.
Mmg kejap sgt baby kita dah nak setahun. Tapi skrg ni seronok main dgn diorang kan?
Thanks for the info pasal babywearers walk tu. Kalau I tak de plan lain maybe i'll join you.

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