Thursday, November 06, 2008

My little venture into babywearing

Ever since Maisarah was a few months old, I have been eyeing for a ring sling. I just love the designs I saw at TheBabyLoft so I got myself one when Maisarah was about 3 months old. However, at that time Maisarah didn't quite like being in the sling as she felt cramped in the cradle position. At that point in time my darling hubby said that the sling was just a waste of money and that I will never use it. Boy was he wrong and now he has to eat his words because when Maisarah was able to sit at around 5 months, I gave the sling another try when we were out during a shopping trip. This time I put her in the hip-carrying position. She instantly loved it! She was able to look around and she felt secure as she was close to me. One time when we were out, she even fell asleep in the hip-carry position. So since then I have been a fan of babywearing. But at that time I only knew of 2 types of baby carriers, i.e. the ring sling and pouch.

Little did I know that there are actually other types such as the mei-tai and soft-structured carriers. These carriers are double-shoulder carriers unlike the sling and pouch. I have to say that I like the look of the mei-tai and I certainly would like to own one. Another reason why I want a mei-tai is because I have a recurring shoulder ache. But his shoulder-ache only happens on one side each time. Before I was pregnant it used to be on the left side, but ever since I started breastfeeding the ache switches from the left shoulder to the right depending on which side I slept on the night before. Therefore, when I wear Maisarah, using the ring-sling I tend to get tired quickly since it is a single-shoulder carrier. With a mei-tai I'm hoping that I can even the weight of wearing Maisarah on both shoulders, thus not-over burdening my aching shoulder. But knowing hubby, even if he is now a fan of me wearing Maisarah, he would certainly frown on me if I were to get one as they are to expensive.

Therefore, I am so happy to learn that SnuggBaby is offering a Mei-Tai blog giveaway in conjunction with their Mei-Tai launch and the International Babywearing Week (from 12-18 November 2008). This way I stand a chance at winning a mei-tai!

According to the rules of the mei-tai blog giveaway (directly taken from SnuggBaby):

Encourage your loyal readers to click on the link to join in the fun, by the end of the International Babywearing Week which is on the midnight of 18th Nov 2008, we will choose and announce 2 winners, One will be chosen based on the amount of traffic the blog has directed to us according to our traffic log and another will be chosen by the relevance and experience of the blogger with babywearing.

So dear readers out there, please hop over to SnuggBaby to help me win the Mei-Tai. If not, I'm hoping I stand a chance in the 2nd category.

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