Tuesday, September 04, 2007

How was your Merdeka weekend?

Last week was the mid-semester break at the Uni. So no classes but still lots of work to do. On Wednesday (29/8) I made a day-trip to Johor with some colleagues. We went to UTM for a research progress meeting. I had to wake up at 4:30 am because the taxi taking us to the airport was to arrive at 5:30 am. By the time we reached Unit*n it was already 5:30 pm and I was like a zombie with a throbbing headache. One thing is for sure, no more day-trips for this pregnant lady. I need to travel in leisure without any rush. Luckily I took leave the next day.

Even so, I couldn't have my lie-in the next day as Shah and I had to rush to PJ for our car service appointment at 8 am. Then from the service centre we made our way to IJN to visit my aunty who had just undergone a heart valve repair operation earlier that Monday. Alhamdulillah everything went well for my aunty and she is now back at my mum's place to recuperate. From IJN, we made our way to KLCC because Shah wanted to buy some books at Kinok*niya. We also had a scrumptious lunch at Chill*s coz I have been wanting to have thier Classic Nachos for months.

Anyway, on Merdeka day we just stayed in Unit*n and didn't do anything except go over to Shah's elder brother's place to visit them and my parents in-law. They were over here to attend Shah's younger brother's convocation in Uni*en on Sunday (2/9). On Saturday (1/9), Shah and I went to Midvalley coz we wanted to catch the last few days of the Megasale. I got some maternity clothes, Shah got some t-shirts and we also got some clothes for the baby at Jus*o.

The highlight of the weekend was surely Shah's brother's convocation ceremony. Shah had to attend anyway because he was choen to represent the Academicians of the University at the ceremony. My parents in-law were sure to attend and luckily Shah's brother managed to get 1 extra ticket for yours truly. Even though the ceremony was scheduled to run from 9 am to 1 pm with the audience having to enter the hall by 8 am, it actually ended early. We were out of the hall by 12:30 pm after much pushing and shoving due to the crowd. Shah was worried that I won't be able to endure the long session of sitting but it turned to be not so bad.

With the long weekend of fun and leisure, going back to work yesterday was a chore. I just hope Friday comes quick as Shah and I will be heading to Seremban. Even though it's work for me, we still get a 2-nights stay at a hotel for free. That should be fun!

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