Gosh it's been ages since I played with sparklers..
Aidilfitri was fun and we certainly enjoyed the trip back to Kangar. We arrived 4 days before Eid and had a whale of a time breaking fast each and every day in Kangar as we ate lots and lots of seafood. You name it, talapia fish, king prawns, squid and crab. We had it all thanks to Shah's Dad who bought RM250 worth of them all. It was enough to fill a small freazer. Shah's Mum made grilled talapia for dinner on 6 out of the 7 nights we we're in Kangar. Anyway, needless to say 1 week in Kangar oblterated my Ramadhan diet. I swear fasting for one month made me lose weight (although I did not officially weigh myself) but I put them all on again during that trip to Kangar. Now I have to start a over again (although I don't see the start ever materialising up to this very moment).Anyway, once we got back to PJ on the 4th day of Eid I did go visit some relatives and my grandma in KL. Then went back to work the following Monday as Uni**n started exams that very day and the final exams for my subject was that afternoon. So from then onwards it was grading, grading, grading all the way. I'm not going to waste my energy talking (or should i say typing) about the results of grading. I'll just keep that to myself.
Now, amidst all the grading, Shah and I were asked to facilitate at a workshop for top-level management staff of our uni at Bukit Tinggi. So we jumped at the chance of having an all expence paid work-cum-weekend holiday. Even though it was tiring on the first day at Bukit Tinggi last Friday, the next day we spent there was quite fun. The whole Saturday was filled with brainstorming sessions but that night we had a wonderful barbeque dinner. Shah said it was the best barbeque he had ever. We were definitely spoilt for choice and at the end of the night our stomach was partically on the verge of bursting. Most of you from Malaysia would surely know that Bukit Tinggi is also called 'The French Village Resort' since it is designed to mimic a typical French Village. I must say a visit to Bukit Tinggi is definitely unique and different from all other highland tpurist attractions in Malaysia. I liked the way the resort has a main street with food shops just like the high street in a european village. But the shops are pricey and I am fairly sure the management are capitalising on the fact that the nearest town/shops is almost half an hour drive away. Luckily our meals were included in the seminar package.

Well, I guess that's enough of rambling. Suffice to say I enjoyed our stay at Kangar and Bukit Tinggi. The next time Shah and I go to Bukit Tinggi will be a day trip to the Japanese Garden and Rabbit Farm as we did not have time to go there this time around.
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