Monday, October 09, 2006 came & it's almost sad..

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* picture courtesy of nas and taken from stock.xchng

It has been 16 days since the start of Ramadhan. This year will be our 2nd Ramadhan and eid in Malaysia since 1998. Plus it's my first Ramadhan while giving lectures and I must tell you it's not an easy feat. After each lecture I'm left feeling so very thirsty particularly when the lectures are late in the afternoon. Coincidentally this is the first semester where I have a two-hour lecture every Wednesday afternoon, 4 to 6 pm mind you. By the end of the lecture I'm almost too tired to think. I do pity the students too as I know they too can't concentrate the full 2 hours. So I usually end the class by 5:30 pm. I just hope whatever I've taught them is subconciously absorbed by their tired minds.

It's almost the end of the semester and I've got a couple more lectures before the syllabus is finished. But I've still got a stack of test papers which I haven't even started marking. I hope I'll be able to get through half of them by this weekend. And I'm hoping it'll all be done before the festivities start. the students are given 1 week holiday starting from Deepavali day until 29 October. Then the semester exams will start and we'll all start to get busy again. Anyway, I just hope I'll get thorugh all the exam script marking speedily and with very little problems.

Gosh.. I can't believe that we're almost half way thorugh Ramadhan. I didn't even realise it whiz by. Before we know it Ramadhan will be gone. I feel as though I haven't even gotten the most or done my best to make full use of this month. I've been too caught up with work and too tired by the end of the day to even do anything else. I feel so ashamed of myself. I hope I'm not too late and will be able to do my best and get the most out of the last half of this month. InsyaAllah.

Anyway, in preparation for Eid, my sister and i have baked 3 types of cookies. I don't think I'll be able to bake more of them in the coming weekends as I've got to work this Saturday and next weekend shah and i will be heading back to Kangar for Eid. This year we'll be spending eid with shah's family. Shah is very excited to go home and I am too as it'll be nice break from work.

Well, I guess that's all for this time. Hopefully all of us will make full use of this blessed month of Ramadhan and pray that we'll be able to meet it again next year. And to all of you, Selamat Berpuasa and Selamat Menyambut Aidilfitri.

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