Tuesday, October 04, 2005

This and that..

Let me take a minute to hoover up all the dust that has been gathering here. I keep telling myself I need to put in an entry but I always fail to do so. Anyway, as a new month has started I might as well write something here.

Before I forget, tomorrow is the start of Ramadhan. So to all Muslims, Happy Ramadhan and may all of us make full use of this blessed time to peform lots of ibadah. This is a reminder to myself too. I hope I can do lots of Tarawih prayers and read more of the Quran throughout this month. This Ramadhan will be the first fasting month (after 7 years) spent in Malaysia for both Shah and I. I just hope we'll be able to fast in the hot and humid weather. Anyway, we did a trial run on a Monday a few weeks back and it left us feeling drained and a wee bit weak at the end of the day. But I'm pretty sure after the first week we'll be OK. Both of us can't wait to hit the Ramadhan Food Market but we have to keep a sane mind when we get there and not go overboard buying too much food for iftar which will just end up being eaten by the dustbin. Plus I have too try and loose some weight this fasting month because ever since I got back from Malaysia I have gained 2kg in weight which has been the reason why I keep getting comments (that I rather not hear of at all) from relatives whom I haven't seen for ages.

Anyway, aside from the weight issue, I'm now a full fledged career woman ever since I received my first paycheck. I don't know what I'll treat myself too with the newly earned money. All I know is that what ever I get as a treat will be something not too expensive considering all the expenditure we'll be having to make due to the move. Yup, we're in the midst of moving house albeit at a very slow pace. We've chosen the apartment I mentioned in my previous post and since it is unfirnished we've got lots of things to buy. On the top of the list is a bed (or just mattress for now), a fridge freezer and a washing machine. Lst weekend I went to Giant (a superstore) to get loads of household stuff and cleaning products that I'll need to make the apartment spik and span for us to live in. Now, the question is when will I start the cleaning?Truthfully speaking, dunno yet. It'll probably be this weekend. Or if we can get a matress then we might just stay over for a night and do all the cleaning after work. Whatever happens, it'll have to be soon because it'll be too tiring having to battle the traffic to get home during Ramadhan.

On the work front, I finally got a PC three weeks after starting work. Well better late than never as they say. So since I got the PC, I have made a start on the lecture notes for the lectures I'll be giving next semester (starts end of November). It's been finalised that I'll be teaching Electrical Machines and Drives and it looks as though I'll be having slightly less than 120 students in total. Apart from writing up the notes (at a very slow moving pace mind you), I've been sitting in on the remaining lectures this semester of the subject I'll be teaching next semester (you get me?). It's more or less for me the get a feel of how the lecture environment is here in Uniten and to refresh myself on the subject. As of yet I'm not feeling too nervous about actually giving the lectures. I am now more occupied with the thought that my notes are not too informative and that the student wil have trouble understanding them. That's why the note-writing progress is so slow.

Well, I just hope I'll be able to finish most of the notes and start thinking of what to do during the tutorial sessions while at the same time start cleaning the new apartment, buy stuff to make the apartment liveable and bake cookies for Eid and go to as many Tarawih prayers as possible and..and.... God help me, there's so much things to do!

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