Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I've never been tagged before so this is a first for me. I'll just give it a go ..

7 things I plan to do before I die

1. Perform Haj with my husband
2. Learn to swim properly (that's right.. if someone were to throw me into the sea then 'Bye bye Anisa!')
3. Read and understand the tafsir of Al-Quran from cover to cover
4. Learn Arabic
5. Take a trip around the world. Places I must visit: the Pyramids of Egypt, Venice, Iceland (to go whale watching), safari trip in Africa, the Great Wall of China and loads more
6. Bring Shah to the Amazon
7. Become a better wife and a devoted mother to my future children

7 things I cannot do

1. Swim (hence #2 above)
2. Eat tapai
3. Not gag when I've eaten too much (maybe every one goes through this feeling but according to Shah I do this all the time)
4. Do anything without making sure it's done to perfection (although I'm trying my best to try and stop myself from being such a perfectionist)
5. Leave the house without checking that all the electrical appliances and sockets are switched off
6. Leave an ATM machine without checking my card and money has been put back in the wallet at least once
7. Roll my tongue

7 things I can do

1. Cook a decent meal
2. Go to sleep any where, any time and any place (Shah says I can sleep even if I get thrown in the sea.. and since I can't swim then surely it's 'Bye bye Anisa!')
3. Be woken up from sleep by the mere call of my name
4. Study while watching the TV
5. Perform well when under stress (workwise)
6. Remember lyrics to songs I hate (I think every one can do this too)
7. Watch some boring-made-for-TV movie till the end just because it is the only thing that is interesting enough on show

7 celebrity crushes (Note to Abang: Jangan marah ok?? hehehehe)

1. Andriy Shevchenko (if you count a footballer a celebrity)
2. Johnny Depp
3. That doctor in 'Lost' (dunno what's his name)
4. Brad Pitt (I don't know why but writing this down just makes me feel so sad for myself) sans blond hair
5. Paolo Maldini
6. Hugh Jackman
7. Matthew McConaughey

7 often repeated words

1. Okay
2. Oii
3. Oo
4. kot
5. laa
6. gile
7. ish

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex

1. Height - he must be taller than me
2. Can easily make me laugh
3. Some one I can talk to about any thing under the sun
4. Religious and pious...but not extreme
5. Helps me in the kitchen and with housework
6. Accepts me for who I am
7. Showers me with gifts now and again

(you know what..Shah ticks all the boxes in this section)

7 others to be tagged

Hmm..firstly I haven't got 7 people to tag and most people in my links have done this meme. So I'll just leave it to whomever that visits my blog to do the meme if they want to. And if you do decide to do it, let me know so that I can go and read it ok?

Well Farah, I've done it even though it took me ages to come up with all the answers.

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