Friday, September 16, 2005


It's Friday lunch time and I am at Shah's office using his PC. Unfortunately, my PC has not been delivered to me by the IT staff here. So I've got to come to Shah's office to check my emails (plus surf the net when he's gone). I just hope I will get my own PC soon. At the moment work has been not so interesting. I've got to start drafting the lecture notes for my letures next December but I can't due to the lack of a thing called 'the PC'. Hence, I've been reading writing the notes on paper and at times I can be fpound reading a novel, which I have finished yesterday. So I decided not to start on a new novel for if I were to do so then I will not get any work done. Plus I feel slightly uncomfortable of using office hours for my own pleasure. Notice the word 'slightly' since there are times when I prefer to surf the net or do some other more interesting stuff during office hours.

On the quest to find a rented place for us, we've looked at a double storey house in Bangi and a 3 bedroom apartment at Seri Kembangan. We have decided the both of us really like the apartment we saw and will inform the owner today that we're going to rent it. As of 1:50pm, we have yet to inform the owner. I'm waiting for Shah to get back and we'll call the owner. I hope we're not too late.

OK...Shah is back and I need to stop now. Will write again soon.

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