Saturday, August 27, 2005

Holiday ending soon

I am trying to find some ideas to write on but nothing seems interesting enough so I decided to just start typing anything and see how it goes. It's 10pm and Shah, his brother and father are watching live telecast of the Tottenham vs. Chelsea match shown by Astro. His mum is downstairs I think and I am up here surfing away on the net. Jahat betul menantu dia sorang ni kan? But there's nothing else to do. I have asked her if she wants me to do anything but it's already night time and all the dishes from dinner has been washed by me. So I guess I'm entitled to surf. Anyway, after I put in this entry I will go down and see if there is any thing I can do.

Tomorrow Shah, his brother and I are doing to Padang Besar. I may do some shopping there coz it's cheaper than in Kuala Lumpur. I need to find some tops that are made of thin/cotton material so that I wont sweat too much. On Wednesday we'll head down to KL because the next day both Shah and I will have to be in UNITEN to start work. It's 100% certain that we'll have to start on 1 September and we have been told by the HR manager that our position as lecturers there is effective immediately. So no more holiday for us (Sob Sob)!! I wonder how it will be like once we've started working. I'm hoping it will start off slow and steady so that I don't get too overwhelmed by it all. I am praying that we can secure a place at the staff quarters as it'll mean that we wont have to commute all the way to and fro between Petaling Jaya and Bangi. It's not so much the distance but the fact that both Shah and I are still not too confident of driving in KL/PJ. However, I think once we get into the routine and are forced to commute, it will be OK. At least, I'm hoping it will.

I've got so many plans for Shah and I once we've settled into our jobs. Most importantly, I'm planning on joining a gym. It'll probably be the gym at UNITEN. I need to start exercising and dieting coz I feel like I'm getting bigger by the day especially after being in Malaysia. Imagine this, I can't wear my wedding and engagement rings on my ring finger anymore coz they have become too small (or rather my fingers have become fat)!! And everytime I look in the mirror I can see my bulging tummy. So I've decided that I need to cut down on food. Hence my determination to cut down on rice consumption for dinner starting from tonight so I told Shah that tonite I wont eat any rice. Unfortunately, I decided to eat soto ayam and all Malaysians know that soto ayam has nasi himpit (or rice cubes, I think that's what it's called). Thus, it looks like my diet plan is already out the window from day one (or rather it lasted for only 3 hours). Anyway, I have to keep trying. Tomorrow is a new day so a new diet plan will be enforced. How? I'm not too sure. But I'll think of a plan tonight before I sleep.

Hmmm...I guess I've babbled too much so I'll go pray Isya and read a book. Please pray that my diet plan is successful, ok?

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