Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I am lucky to have him...

Last week when I was sick and busy with work, Shah had been my saviour. He came home early every day last week and cooked for me. When I arrived home, the food was all readily cooked and I am so grateful for all that he has done for me. I am really bad coz I never show him how much I appreciate what he's done for me. I know I should show him how I feel but it's hard to show it coz I'm not used to showing my appreciation. I don't want him to take it to heart that I don't value what he's done for me coz I really can't imagine how I would cope with my work and my responsibilities as a wife if not for his help and undertsanding.

This coming Sunday is Shah's birthday and I have to find a way to make it a memorable one. I want to show him how much I love him and how I treasure him being a part of my life. I might cook something special and make it a proper sit-down meal at home with candle light and music. But I don't know what to get him as a present. I want to get him something that he'll use daily, one that is speacial and has a sentimental value to him. I've got to start thinking now about the present. So any of you out there who's got an idea on what I should get my beloved husband, do drop me a line in the shoutbox.

OK..got to continue with my thesis write-up....

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