Thursday, September 09, 2004


I don't want to keep writing about my work but I'm so really frustrated with my C++ program. I'm starting to fell sick and tired of it but I can't stop now. I've worked my ass off these past 2yrs and 10months and I just don't want to throw it all out the window. Everyday I keep praying that today both Shah and I will be able to solve our work problems and that our work will run smoothly from now onwards but it hasn't happened yet. Just have to keep trying and keep praying. Tak guna tawakkal tanpa usaha kan?...But sometimes I get so fed up of trying. I know I'm not supposed to keep on wallowing in my frustrations...instead I must think positive and hope for the best. It's just that you can only be positive to an extent. Whenever other people come to me with their frustrations I tell them not to give, to keep trying, praying and that one day, God willing, the problem will be resolved. However, when it happens to me I can't seem to take my own advise.

Even so, I will just have to keep on putting my foot one in front of the other every morning to the office to keep on trying. Hopefully, insyaAllah, one day I'll find the solution and my work will get better. But make it sooner rather than later, please!

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