Monday, September 06, 2004

Computer games I like

Yesterday was spent by going shopping to find Shah some new clothes. He got himself 6 new short sleeve shirts and a tailored trousers for him to wear for formal occasions. I really liked the shirts that Shah bought and I hope he wears them often coz they make him look smart and handsome. When we got home from shopping, Shah decided to shave off his moustache and his beard. The result made me laugh a bit coz it made him look somewhat like he did when we were back in high school. Now I just need to get used to his new look. According to Shah, his moustache makes him look older and I do agree that now, without it, he does look younger. Anyway, as long as he's happy he can do anything he wants.

Today we didn't do anything much. We watched TV and I played Sokoban. My mother first got me hooked on Sokoban when I was younger. Basically, the game involves you directing the character to push the boxes around the obstacles to direct them into the places they're supposed to be arranged at. The game really tests your brain coz you have to manouvre the boxes around the obstavles or else they'll get stuck. These days all these older games are now available to play online and I'm really loving it. Last time I found Pacman and Tetris. Now it's Sokoban. I even found Digger to play online. When I was in primary school I used to play Digger during my school's computer club meetings. I used to be quite good at it but now I'm really rubbish. Just need to practise more I guess Blushy 2! (read: more time playing and less time doing other things..just kidding Abg!)

Ok..Shah wants to eat. I didn't cook spaghetti bolognese last Friday nite coz we decided to order in some chicken wraps. So instead I cooked spaghetti tonite. Anyway, I've got to stop now. Will write again soon.

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