Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Stressed and worried

Shah has been stressed today and I got stressed trying to make Shah feeling better which I didn't succeed at. I dunno why but I'm just not good with words especially when I'm confronted with a situation where I need to console or give support to other people. I think I'm better at it with friends but when it comes to loved ones...I'm stumped. It's not that I'm not empathic it'd just that I can't express it with words. What I intended to say just doesn't come out right and I usually end up in big trouble. I try my best but clearly my best is not enough and I just don't know what to do now. Sometimes I just keep quite and hope that everything will turn out fine but I can't keep on doing that. My loved ones turn to me for help because I'm closest to them. But instead I fail them. I don't want to carry on like this. There must be a way to make me be a better confidante. And what makes me more upset is that it happens to me only when I'm dealing with the people I care most. That makes them think that I put friends/strangers first before them which I don't mean to do.

Well...I guess the best thing to do to get me out of these situations is to think first before saying anything. I just need to engrave that in my brain.

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