Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why Sayang?

It's been so long since I wrote an update on the Little Princess. She is getting smarter and smarter by the day. she loves to listen when we talk and she will but in and ask 'Apa?' if she wants to know more. Last few weeks, we were on skype with my sister in Edinburgh and I asked my sister why she passed out in the bathroom (my sis has a history of low blood pressure so that's why she passed out). Then Maisarah said 'Maisarah pergi toilet hari-hari untuk gosok gigi, tak pengsan pun!' (I go to the bathroom every day to brush my teeth and yet I don't pass out there!). Such a cheeky girl, this one. Sometimes we spell out things so that she won't find out what we're talking about. Once I was telling Shah via spelling that I have 'B-U-E-N-O', as in the chocolate. Then she spelled back and asked 'B-U-E-N-O tu apa?' to which we laughed. Now we can't even spell because she knows that is something we're hiding from her.

Anyway, lately she has been acting very moody. Sometimes she is ok and a few minutes later she will be cranky. And when we go out to the shops she always wants to be carried. Even at home, she will ask to be carried every where. Shah and I are losing or patience with her. Like today, we went out to Cold Sto*rage and she refused to sit in the trolley. She wanted her Abah to carry her around and was acting up. Shah is still unwell so we had run out of patience. We ended up going home without buying anything.

Are all kids her age like this or is she just being spoilt?


Fedyeu said...

alahai ye ke... slalu gak dgr kids around dat age slalu buat perangai.. sampaikn ade term terrible 2 kn? btw, fedy n zahrin pun slalu spell things now klau xnk bg die faham kite ckp ape.. klaka.. n sumtimes die pun akan eja balek jugak.. same je cam korg! so funny kan!!!

zaimah said...

makin hari makin cheeky and makin chomel ya. i like the dress. sweet.

bumble_bee said...

Fedy: Itu la, 'terrible 2' mmg ada dgr. Tapi risau gak takut dia ni spoilt. Mmg funny kalau dia eja balik pastu tanya 'apa tu'.

Zaimah: Thanks Aunty Zaimah! Dress tu sebenarnya Maisarah dpt masa 6 bulan. Patutnya size baju tu for 6-12months tapi Maisarah still boleh pakai.
P/S: Yeay! Zaimah dah boleh comment.

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