Sunday, July 18, 2010

Project "Our Hive": Scrub and Clean

Shah and I spent this morning cleaning the house. Well, half of the house since we only cleaned the ground floor. We started with the kitchen because the cabinets will be installed on Thursday. I can't wait to see how it will turn out. I'm just praying that it will be nice.
Next week we'll be at the house on Thursday and Friday because our wardrobes will also be installed. I also managed to arrange for the curtains to be put up on Friday. So, on Thursday, Shah and I will have to clean the rest of the house.
I am super excited to see the kitchen, wardrobe and curtains being placed. By end of Friday, insyaAllah, the house will no longer look bare. Then, what's left is getting the furnitures moved in. It seems that our home renovation and furnishing project is almost done. But it won't be over soon, there are still smaller things to be done. So, we'll just go with the flow.
Pictures are of the drawing of our kitchen and the actual samples of the doors. Although, in the finalised design the worktop will be white in colour. Please, Allah, let it turn out nice!


Ira said...

Wow Anisa!! bestnya, dah 98% complete! tak sabar nak tgk hasilnya jugak.. nanti tepek gambo ye.. (eh, ke kena tgk sendiri je nanti? :P) hehe..

bumble_bee said...

Memang sgt2 excited. Nanti insyaAllah Anisa akan ambik gambar. Kalau elok, nanti tepek sini. Kalau tak berapa elok segan la nak tepek. huhu..

Liyana said...

Byk betul kerja kan bila nak masuk rumah baru. I didn't realize there's so much work to be done until I experience it myself. Started from surveying, discussions, decision etc..Have fun decorating your new home.

bumble_bee said...

Salam Liyana. Yes, memang takkan sangka how much work is needed and money too. So every little cent counts. Thanks, I'll certainly enjoy the decorating part. :)

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