Monday, December 14, 2009

Maisarah @ 2 years plus

Maisarah is getting cheekier by the day and more clingy. Before December, we took a few days leave since the students were on holiday and last week we had Friday off due to Sultan Selangor's birthday. I find that Maisarah is getting more clingy because she won't let me get ready for work and will cry at the slightest mention of Shah and I going to work. I am looking forward to the next 3 weeks of long weekends but am dreading the Monday following them. I think Maisarah will cry on each and every Monday just like she did this morning.

Apart from that, her latest antics are:
  1. She will say 'Ahh..sedapnya!' if we scratch her when she feels itchy.
  2. She loves to wear baju kurung. If possible she wants to wear it every day. Now all her baju kurung's are hidden from her sight and no one is to mention the word 'Hari Raya' cause she will associate it with baju kurung and will request to wear it.
  3. My best friend gave Maisarah a swimsuit for her 2nd birthday and whenever she sees it she will want to wear it, be it day or night time. So the swim suit is also placed in hiding.
  4. She doesn't drink milk during the day time and will only feed directly off me when I get home from work. Lately she has been liking soymilk, so I'm trying to get her to drink that during the day.
  5. She loves to eat flavoured rice, especially nasi briyani.
  6. She's now no longer afraid to play on the slide her grandfather gave her. She also loves going to the playground so we'll have to take her there more often.
  7. We need to use reverse psychology when taking her photo. If we say 'look at the camera' or 'smile' she won't do so. But when we say 'Don't look' or 'Don't smile' then she will and we will get nice shots of her.
Well, there are lots more things to write about her but I always can't recall them when I'm writing a post on her. So, I'll post more when I remember them. Below are some picstures from her 2nd birthday makan-makan that we had last month.

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