Monday, November 02, 2009

The Result of Marrying an Engineer

In my earlier post I mentioned that last month both Shah and I have been tracking our monthly expenditure. So, yesterday while I was busy invigilating (on a Sunday and with an upset stomach to add to the misery), my hubby was busy preparing the expenditure analysis, or what he calls 'The Auditor General Report'.

The report consists of 8 pages containing 6 figures and 1 table as you can see above. Below are some excerpts from the report:

This family is a middle class family consisting of a 30 year old Daddy, a 29 year old Mommy, and a 2 year old Baby.

For October 2009:
• This family only managed to record a saving of 17% of their total monthly income. This can be considered as low. Ideally, according to the Daddy’s target, the intended savings should be around 30% and this family will have to work towards achieving that target.

• The remaining 83% of expenditure are broken down into four main expense groups, which are:
     o Daily meals – Meals during working day, for example breakfast, lunch and drinks
     o Commitments – Monthly payments on cars, houses, bills etc.
     o Basic needs – food and other household stuff, health products
     o Entertainment – unnecessary things to keep this family happy

FIGURE 1: Figure 1 shows the daily and cumulative expenditure in terms of the percentage of their total income. Three notable peaks can be seen in this figure.
        o The first peak, which is the highest of all three peaks, was when they pay all their
           monthly commitments, which is usually at the start of the month.
        o The second peak, around 17th October is when the Daddy celebrated his birthday.
        o The third peak corresponds to a weekend where they had separate luncheons with the
           extended families from both sides, and the couple had a date which included more
        o It is worth mentioning that smaller peaks are visible when weekends come, for example
           near 10th October ,17th October, and 24th October.
Finally he concluded the following:

o The Top 5 expenditures are:
      1. Shopping – Daddy: 17.27% - its not normal, but its Daddy’s birthday month
      2. Cars: 15.92% – Two cars, normal
      3. Eating out: 8.55% - NOT NORMAL
      4. Contribution to Parents: 7.75% – Normal
      5. Food stuff: 6% - Can be increased to reduce ‘Eating Out’.
His analysis is so detailed it's not a wonder that he is an engineer. And to top it all off he is so excited with his analysis to the extent that he was wondering if it can be published in a journal (that is the academician part of him). So if you want to hire this part time 'financial auditor', please get in touch with me.


Fedyeu said...

hahaha.. me want me want! hehe.. how much per hour? so funny la dis entry k.anisa !

korg due gaji byk xpe spend byk2.. byk lg boleh simpan .. hehe

@nannoor said...

ib is also a very detail person, he keeps rack all of our/his expenditures, but not as details as your hubby lah.
if suddenly ib comes up with this kind of report, i tau la sapa yg ajar dia. hahaha

Unknown said...

Hahaha..I find the definition of entertainment hilarious! Did he wrote that in the analysis? Kak Anisa, tell him Entertainment is necessary lah!

bumble_bee said...

The reason we did the analysis is so that we know where we spend our money, how to improve, and whether Shah needs a new job with higher pay (ni Shah yang suruh tulis).

Fedy: Shah kata rate dia RM200/hour. Mahal tak? Kitorang tak de la gaji banyak sgt tapi still kena save sebab nak masuk rumah baru nanti. huhu!

Nannoor: Bagusla Ib track expenditure you guys. Kitorang dari dulu nak buat tapi selalu fail tengah2 bulan. Make sure Ib jauhkan diri dari Shah, nanti tak pasal2 dia dapat template analysis tu.

Didi: That is his definition..not mine. Memang dia tulis macam tu dalam report tu. Kalau ikutkan I memang necessary.

Ira said...

suruh shah keje as auditor at PWC la.. sure dpt higher pay punye! ira yg dok buat bende ni hari2 kat opis pon tak terbuat utk diri sendiri tau.. :)

bumble_bee said...

Ok Ira, nanti I bagi suggest kat dia. Nak buat analysis expenditure tu memang kena commit betul2 hubby and wife. Kitorang dah try nak buat banyak kali tapi selalu sangkut half-way. Kali ni je berjaya.

yumyum said...

ok this is mind blowing.

kitorang dari dulu ada expenses book dari dulu tak terisi, resit bertimbut but still not moving n inch.

respect laaa norshah!

pegi tiup2 kat khairul sket. i malas nak buat.heheh

bumble_bee said...

Yum: Dia memang suka analyse benda2 especially numbers. I rasa mesti dia dah tiup2 kat khairul. Kitorang pernah try expense book jugak tapi tak jalan. Skrg ni guna handphone sebab boleh terus key-in entries. Tapi shah la yg key-in, i tukang report apa yg i spend aje! :)

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