Friday, October 02, 2009

Tai Chi

Some staff in the College have set up a weekly Tai Chi session since a week before Ramadhan started. I have enrolled for it and have paid the monthly fees. There has already been four session before the Eid break and I have only attended one. I couldn't go the the earlier three session due to tests and our trip back ome to Perlis before during Ramadhan. But from that one session I attended before Eid, I really think Tai Chi is not bad. At least I get some form of exercise every week which makes me sweat. It is also low impact and relaxing. But Tai Chi is not all that easy. There are lots of steps to memorise nd sometimes we have to hold certain positions for more than three minutes.

The sessions are held every Friday from 4.30 pm to 6 pm. Unfortunately, this week I won't be able to go to attend as I will have to ivigilate a test. I was actually looking forward to go. I think I have managed to pick up the steps learnt from the three previous sessions which I didn't attend and I think I still can even remember some of the steps even after the long Eid break. However, I guess I will be left behind again when I rejoin the classes next week.

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