Sunday, March 01, 2009

Maisarah Gave Us A Scare

Last night Shah, Maisarah and I slept early. That's not unusual for us as we need to switch off the lights in order to get the little one to sleep. So once the lights are off usually all three of us will drift off to lala land. However, I awoke at 1 am and can't seem to fall back to sleep which is unusual for me. So I decided to get up and made my Isya' prayers. Now I'm wide awake and decided to post an entry since this blog has not been active.

Maisarah gave us quite a scare yesterday afternoon. We spent half of yesterday at Shah's neice's birthday party. Maisarah was kinda cranky during the event as she didn't have her morning nap. She was happily playing and running around one minute and then would cry the next minute especially if I forbid her from playing with the decorations or the food. I managed to put her to sleep around noon but only for an hour. After she woke up from her nap she was still a bit cranky. So we decided to go home.

We arrived back home at around 3 pm and I tried putting her to sleep again but she wanted to watch Barney. Halfway through Barney, we went into the living room and Maisarah started playing. She wanted to play with a set of keys laying on the table but I forbade her as it belonged to my sister's friend who came to visit. I told her nicely not to play with the keys as it didn't belong to her. Maisarah went quiet. Suddenly she started weeping. I picked her up and then the weeeping changed to wailing. She cried so hard until she had difficulty breathing. I tried consoling her but she kept on crying fiercely. Then Shah tried to take her to console her but she clinged on to me. All the while, she was crying louder and louder. She was trying to catch her breath while crying and it made her look like she was suffocating. By this time I was panicking but I kept it inside and just hugged her close while reciting ayat kursi and zikr. Shah was panicking too and kept on asking Maisarah what she wanted but we couldn't make out the words as they were muffled by her crying. Her cries finally subsided half an hour later. We're not sure why she cried but we deduced that it could be caused by tiredness and maybe due too teething as I saw a new budlet when she was crying.

That incident sure scared Shah and I sh*tless. Maisarah cried so hard she sweat profusely and the veins on her face were bulging as though they were going to burst. I pray to Allah that this won't happen again.


Fedyeu said...

hmm.. takutnyeee.. tp maisarah dah bleh ckp kn if anything xselesa ke ape.. klau zahraa yg camtuh, hmm.. xtau nk buat ape..

lia said...

nmpk nyer gejala amsyar hari sabtu baru ni d kongsi dgn maisarah la.... amsyar pon nangis 'selok' (err xtau ejaan) sampai xde suara sbb xtido seharian p umh org bertunang, dok nak main wpon mata xboley bukak....

lps ni mmg xmo p lama2 kalau kenduri.. pengajaran sungguh...

bumble_bee said...

Fedy: Memang takut sgt. Maisarah mmg dah boleh respond kalau kita tanya apa dia nak. Tapi masa tu kitorang dok tanya dia apa yang dia nak tapi dia mcm tak boleh nak jawab sebab menangis teresak2. Alhamdulillah tak de pape.

Lia: Ingatkan Maisarah sorang je yang jadi macam tu. Kesian Amsyar nangis sampai tak de suara. Lepas ni memang tak boleh biarkan diorang tak tido siang.

Ira said...

Anisa.. i got ur page from maryam.. Maisarah dh sgt pandai yek.. dh boleh jadi kakak ni.. Ayna Maisara lak baru nak dapat kaki.. asik nak berjaaaaaaaalaaannnn jek kejenya.. i link ur page to mine eh? ^^

saiful's wifey - ira

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