Monday, February 19, 2007

A girl needs all the TLC she can get

I was blog-hopping earlier this evening and one of my friends blogged about her recent massage session. That got me thinking of the regular urut session that I have with the makcik urut at my mum's place. It's been ages since I got a total body massage and my body has been sending me numerous signals indicating that it needs some tender (ironic since the urut sessions always leave me aching all over) loving care. I'm hoping I can get the makcik to come over soon or else my body will stiffen up even more. I guess once you've started receiving body masages you can't survive without it.

Another TLC session that I am in dire need of is a good facial. I need to bust out those black and white heads from my pores and get a luxuriously cooling mask slathered on my face. I've been eyeing one of those all-in-one sessions available at the Cyb*rview Lodge Resort and Spa. It involves a bath, scrub, facial and body massage. The session lasts for almost 4 hours and costs almost 500 bucks but it should be worth it. I just need to find the right time to go there. Even my husband said I should treat myself to one of those sessions.

Well, I guess I should stop thinking and start booking that session. But if any of you out there can recommend any other spas or sessions then do let me know ok?

P/S: Why do all these beneficial TLC sessions for a girls body involve lots of pain?

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