Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Oh well...

Just when:
  • you are psyhced to go on a holiday, work comes tumbling your way each due during your scheduled holiday.
  • you had a wonderful body massage during the weekend, your body start aching again come next midweek.
  • your are relaxing since there are no classes, the boss tells you you've got to start proposing some topics for research.

Oh well, what can you do. Just have to go with the flow. My 'To Do' list is full and I'm slowly ticking off one at a time. I just finished my first Masters viva as an examiner this morning and it went ok. I hope the student felt that way too. Now I just need to get through 2 more Masters thesis and viva before the start of next semester.

Apart from work, I am excited to go see a few movies that are coming out in the coming few months. I still haven't watched 'MI3' even though it looks very interesting. But what I'm really waiting for are 'The Da Vinci Code' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest'.

Well, it guess that's it for today.Must get back to work..

1 comment:

bumble_bee said...

Hai Dilla...
Cuti kat KK alhamdulillah best!!..tapi balik2 aje keje bertimbun..Anisa selalu jenguk blog Dilla yang baru tu and will keep on reading it so keep writing :)..thanks for dropping by here and take care too..

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