Thursday, July 15, 2004

Pregnancy and having kids...

Just got the news that Shah's sis-in-law is pregnant. So the pressure is on me now (not that there really is any). It's not that I don't want's that there's lots of things to consider if we do have a baby now. Childcare is the main problem coz I'll have to send the baby to a nursery or bring a maid over from Msia to help. If I were in Msia now then I guess it would be totally different. I might have kids already!! I keep thinking that it's not right to think too much about the consequences of having children coz if it was meant to be then surely everything will turn out fine. Que sera sera. But you just can't help yourself..there will always be a 'what if' situation. I guess this is when you really need to have faith and pray that everything will work out for the best.

Many of my married frens are either pregnant or have already had kids and I want them too! I hope it will be soon but it's all in Allah's 'hands'. My ex-housemate (when I was studying in London) is waiting to go to labour. I think I have friends due to give birth every month from now till October and I'm quite envious. I guess it's my maternity instincts giving me signals coz I get think small kids and children's clothes are just so cute and irresistable.

I just hope I will be able to bring up my kids in a loving and caring environment. And also protect them and provide for them the best we can in this carzy and dangerous world. But I think you can never ever spoil your children or give them face coz they if not they will just walk all over you. Hopefully, insyaAllah, if we instill love, respect and religion then they will turn out fine...

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