Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nine Going on Ten

*picture credit to ehow.co.uk

Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah, for today, nine years ago Shah and I got married in London. I am very grateful to Allah for making Shah and I cross paths and joining us in marriage. I am blessed to have a loving and caring husband. I know I have lots of shortcomings as a wife to Shah but I aim to improve myself for the sake of our marriage. I pray that our marriage will continue to be blessed by Allah and we will be able to get through all trials and tribulations that come our way, insyaAllah.

I wanted to plan something special this year but both Shah and I can't find the time to be away so I'll keep the big plans for our tenth anniversary next year. We don't usually buy any anniversary presents but according to the Western tradition of anniversary gifts, apparently on the ninth year the traditional gift would be pottery or willow and the modern gift would be leather. So can you get me a new leather handbag Abang?

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