Tuesday, March 01, 2011

First Taste of Macaroons

Ok, I have to admit that I didn't know what macaroons were until Maryam posted about them on her blog. Then, I kept reading online that the macaroons at Whisk, Empire Shopping Gallery are delicious. So, last Saturday when we were at Empire, I persuaded Shah to drop by Whisk. We got 10 assorted macaroons and two slices of their Red Velvet Cake to share between Shah, my sister, her hubby, Maisarah and I.

Maisarah loved the macaroons. I think she ate almost half of the plate. I have to admit the macaroons were tasty but too sweet. I mean I have a sweet tooth but after eating two peices I felt like I may have gotten diabetes.
I can't say that the macaroons are the best because I have never tasted any before. But my sister did mention that the macaroons at Whisk was sticky when the first bite was taken compared to those she had in Paris. The Red Velvet Cake on the other hand was lovely. The icing was not too sweet but the colouring did scare us because after eating half a slice our tongue was red. It even got Maisarah's teeth to turn red!

After eating the cake, my sister and I decided that our next baking session would be to make red velvet cupcakes. As for macaroons, I don't think I'm brave enough to try making them. Not just yet.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Liz said...

"..after eating two peices I felt like I may have gotten diabetes. "

ahaks, saya pun rasa mcm tu. sebab tu tak berapa minat nak mkn. manis sgt kan?

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