Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Talkative Little One

Talkative Little One
Originally uploaded by ABumbleBee.

Our little Princess is a month short of turning two and a half years old. These past few months she has turned into a talkative little girl. She talks non-stop and she asks lots of questions. And sometimes she says the most bizarre of things. Some of them are:

1. She says the the chef in 'The New Scan*dinavian Cook' on AF*C channel is her husband.

2. When she was told that her Habib (my dad) was going to the hospital for a check-up, she asked him 'Habib nak check bon*tot ke?' (are you going to get your butt checked?)

3. Once she told Shah and I that she wanted to take our pictures and put them on Face*book.

It's just a wonder to talk to her sometimes. She surely says the darnest things,



Unknown said...

That's just so funny, her joking side is coming out kan kak anisa. wondering, is she still bf-ing?

bumble_bee said...

Itu la, dia funny macam Abah dia. Yes, she is still bf-ing but only at nights and during weekends. I tgh nak wean her off tapi slowly.

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