Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Project "Our Hive": Bricks and Iron

As a start to making our house habitable, this Friday we have set an appointment with a contractor. We need to get quotations on changing our back fence into a wall, placing grilles on our windows and doors plus changing the front gate.

We like the look of wrought iron grille with the fancy designs so that is what we hope to get. To be on the safe side we have also contacted another contractor to meet on Saturday. Then we'll choose which contractor to go with and hopefully by end of this month the back fence and grille will be ready. Only then can we put in valuable things into the house without fear of theft.

I'm hoping to document or process of furnishing and decorting our home on this blog so please don't get bored ok? Oh, and if you have tips on settubg up the house, please share with me ok? Thanks!


Ira said...

hi anisa..
wow.. sgt pantas! hehe.. nnti leh bg contact no contrator tu ye.. weol pon x mula ape lg ni..

btw nak tanya.. anisa dah check defects ke? air dah ada meter/masuk? rumah kami belom ada air lagi.. my fren suggest to penuhkan air dlm tangki tu smpi penuh + tunggu hujan lebat (yg ni i pun x tau nak agak bila.. hehe) so boleh tau ada bocor ke tidak especially kat piping dlm wall.. bcoz defect camni yg bahaya + costly.. rumah weol x masuk air lagi so tak tau bocor ke tidak..

I pon tgh pening kepala jugak ni.. ikutkan hati semua nak buat serentak.. ngeee.. =D

bumble_bee said...

Ira, kitorang pun belum masuk air lagi and meter pun tak de. Tak tau macam mana procedure nak masukkan air. Tapi betul la apa kawan Ira cakap tu, memang nak kena kasi tangki penuh.

For now kitorang belum isi complaint form tu. Tengah compile satu2 and check defects slow2. Ada a few small defects setakat ni tapi malas nak report satu2. Bagi banyak sikit baru hantar ke developer.

Anisa pun kalau boleh nak buat serentak tapi memikirkan cost kena buat satu2 and ambik banyak quotation.

lilie said...

nisa, its gonna be a tiring process and yet exciting..harus la kan sbb nak masuk umah sendiri. lilie dulu ulang alik p puchong dptkan quotations utk my dry kitchen cabinet.tu blum masuk tang langsir lagi.kalau nak beli kipas lampu area puchong good bargains.i beli kat kedai top ten, near tesco puchong.good customer service and price pun negotiable, for me depends la kan on what u guys are looking, masuk umah bulan 4 ari tuh, taste masing2.s;p lilie ari tuh masuk umah bln 4. beli umah sub sale kat p9, pjaya.nasib baik grille semua dah ada tp bukan iron wrought la.tunggu ada duit nnt br tukar. b4 masuk umah ari tuh,kitaorg decide utk buat bwh dulu(living room, kitchen), atas lum ada bajet lagi.anyway, selamat mengsurvey and masuk umah br..;p

lilie said...

hehe..ada typo sket kat atas tu.sori.;p

bumble_bee said...

Hi Lilie! Lilie buat kitchen cabinet kat kedai apa in puchong? Boleh recommend? Anisa ada baca forum cakap kedai Top Ten tu lampu dia harga ok. Since Lilie pun kata kedai tu ok so kitorang mungkin akan pegi beli situ jugak. Langsir belum fikir lagi tapi ingat nak survey Macy and SSF. Lilie ada suggestion untuk kedai lansir tak? Hope you don't mind to help. Thanks!

lilie said...

kat area puchong tuh byk pilihan anisa.kena rajin kuar masuk kedai mintak quotation and make sure u tau what kind of material yg u nak,design sume. i think dekat 6 kedai lilie mintak quotations utk my kitchen cabinet. yg kedai lilie amik nih, kalu x silap nama dia my home deco kot(nnt ill check blk), kat bandar putrei puchong, satu row dgn kpmc puchong.lilie puas hati dgn workmanship dia.siap bole nego2 lagi harga.igt nak buat built in wardrobe tp lum cukup bajet, that can be wait janji mana penting kena dahulukan. murah mahal depends on the material and the designs. so kena survey btul.utk table top ive used solid my advice erk kalu utk nak masak pakai tiles. cheaper and lasak.granit mmg cantik tp mahal giler. solid surface cantik, cheaper than granit, tp kalu nak buat lasak(meaning nak masak2 sume erk sayang la, nnt calar2). so nnt leh diskas dgn syah design yg u all nak.kalu tambah accessories sume lagi pingsan. langsir amik macy pun ok. lilie amik elyza curtain, kat kedai bo btul2 depan sogo. mahal giler. tu pun buat untuk living room jer dgn master bedroom. nyesal giler. shud have opt for macy. way much cheaper. mine is end lot, ada 2 sliding door dgn 2 panel window, yg panel window tu lilie buat roman blind.pengsan jugak bab langsir jer.haha..ketuk kepala sendiri.kalu x kos utk langsir dh bole cover leh cover utk benda workmanship dia kemas la compared to my friend yang tempah langsir kat friend sorang lagi buat langsir kat kamdar, fabrik dia ok jugak , workmanship wise x sure. ssf pun lawa, harga lebih kurang dgn elyza. dia punya showroom ada kat puchong dgn ampang point kot. yg kat puchong tu satu area dgn tempat kitchen cabinet tuh.byk kedai langsir, kitchen cab sume.
kitaorg dulu konfius2 gak nak buat plaster ceiling ke x.kalu buat cornice jer mmg save. tp in the end kitaorg decide utk buat plaster ceiling utk living room+downlight, kat dry kitchen letak cornice jer. kena tgk anisa punya tinggi siling kat living room tuh ok ke x.takut kalu rendah x sesuai.kitaorg pas buat plaster siling tuh tinggi siling lebih kurang 9 1/2 kaki. so x de la rendah sgt.
just my 2 cents..;p

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