Saturday, August 16, 2008

After the long silence...

Sorry is all I can say for my two-month long absence. Time sure flies by quickly especially now that the semester has started. I have classes on Tuesdays through to Thursdays. Mondays and Friday plus any spare time left in between classes are filled by preparing lecture notes for the new subject I'm teaching and meeting project students. Not too forget, I've got to squeeze in some time for my research and consultancy projects and meetings dotted her and there throughout the week. Even so, I try and make time to express milk for my baby 3 times a day. However, I can't seem to find the time to blog. I'm pretty sure the small number of people that reads this blog have now given up on me. Shah has on numerous occasions asked me to delete this blog but I just won't. There's so much that I've written here and I want to keep it going. Just for my rememberance and one day maybe for my children to read. Anyway, here's what's been going on in my life the last two months...

Some Updates on Maisarah

Alhamdulillah, Maisarah is still drinking mummy's sweet milk and it's coming up to 9 months next Tuesday. She's also now eating 2 meals a day - pureed rice porridge during lunch time and mashed fruits for tea. In between her meals, milk feeds and nap time, she is busy crawling around the living room and playing with her toys. She is now quite an expert at crawling and has ventured into standing up by pulling onto the furniture. I'm not sure how much she weighs now but these days my hands and back start to ache after 15 minutes of carrying her. Last week my uncle who has a daughther the same age as Maisarah came to visit and I carried her she was so ligh compared o Maisarah. It felt as though I was lifting a feather. When, my uncle carried Maisarah, he only managed 10 minutes before surrendering to her weight. My darling daughther is also getting very playful and likes to make cute sounds as though she's trying to make conversation with us. Just today she kept laughing when my mother coaxed her to walk by saying 'tatih'. It seems that every time my mom said that word she'll break out into fits of laughter and she has even started repeating the word 'tatih' whever we say it. It's such a joy to see her antics and I can't believe that in just 3 months time she will be 1 year old. In any case, Maisarah is surely Daddy's Girl. She gets all excited whenever Shah enters the room or comes home from work. I'm only needed when she is feeling cranky or needs her milk fix. But it's ok, I know she loves me all the same.

Oh yes, Maisarah has officially got her first tooth. I first noticed it on 21 July when I was feeding her some dates. In her eagerness to eat them from my finger she bit me. And this week she has started to bite while I nurse her. It was terribly painful and I pinched her nose to get her to release her bite. But I guess I pinched too hard and she ended up crying badly. Poor baby! I gues I've got to get used to the usual bites now and again. I just pray that when more budlets appear the bite wont get worse. I've really got to find tips on how to teach Maisarah not to bite. But the things is how do you get the message across to a 9 month old baby?

And finally, the latest update on Maisarah is that she has had her first fall off the bed. It happened on Saturday 2 August while Shah and I were in the living room and Maisarah was asleep in the bedroom. We usually do this and leave the baby monitor on. Suddenly we heard her cry very loudly. I rushed into the room only to find her on crawling on the floor while crying. We can't figure it out but we sort of came to the conclusion that she some how fell off the bed, rolled over on all fours and then started crying. But the crying didn't last long and within 5 minuts she was ok. Syukur alhamdulillah nothing bad happened. And lucky too that the bed is just one-and-a-half feet high. She also has had her first fever and cold which only lasted for 5 days.

I guess that's all for now. Toodles!

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