Thursday, January 03, 2008

Maisarah's First Month

These are the things that has happened during Maisarah's first month:


21 Nov. - Maisarah ventured out of the hospital and into the open world. She took her forst car ride from the hospital in Bangi back to my mum's place in PJ.


23 Nov. - First visit to the pediatrician in SJ*MC to for a jaundice review. Maisarah's blood was drawn for the first time from her tiny foot to check for the bilirubin level. She was all quite when her blood ws taken but right after she cried. Poor baby! We found out that her bilirubin level was 188 which is on the high side (safe level from 0 - 200). So the doctor wanted her to come for another check in 3 days time.


26 Nov. - Maisarah is 1 week old. Second jaundice review. Her bilirubin level rose to 198. Doctor said this might be due to breastfeeding as it can cause prolonged jaundice which might only subside earliest after Maisarah is 3 weeks old. So she said just keep on breastfeeding Maisarah and if we are still worried then come back for bilirubin check after Maisarah is 3 weeks.


30 Nov. - another visit to SJ*MC because Maisarah's eyes had some rashes with white spots. It started a few days earlier but I initially though it was milk rash since it was red in colour. But once it started to have white spots I became worried. Doctor said it was septic spots due to some germs so she prescribed antibiotic and eye cream. It cleared after about 1 week.


28 Nov to 1 Dec - Shah had to go to Sung*kai a team building session. So Mummy was left with Maisarah. Nothing big happened just that Maisarah started to feed more (every one to one half hours). But luckily her night time feeds are about 3 hours apart.


7 to 9 Dec - Maisarah's abah had to go to PD for a top-level management workshop. So it was just Mummy and Maisarah again.


19 Dec - Maisarah is now 1 month old! We went to SJ*MC for her one-month check up and 2nd Hepatitis B jab. Poor Maisarah cried when the doctor gave the jab. But the cries stopped once she got her feed :)!


In terms for physical development, during her first month Maisarah can already (taken from

Maisarah likes to make noises when she sleeps. Sometimes we hear her sighing or make giggle-like sounds which is so cute. Anyway, for pictures of Maisarah, you an go to her fotopage. Stay tuned for her second month update!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg! how cute she is... congratulations!!

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