Saturday, June 18, 2005

Just the weekend

Last night I got a surprise treat to the cinema from Abang. We watched 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith'. The movie was great and we had a nice night. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie looked great together so no wonder sparks were said to fly between the two of them. There were lots of action scenes and the comedy between the two main characters were plentiful. It's been quite a while since both of us have been to the movies mainly because we weren't really interested in the movies shown at that time. But lately there are quite a few that we want to watch. Next week I'll treat Shah to 'Batman Begins' cause he's been wanting to see that movie ever since they started advertising it. I want to watch it too coz it looks interesting. Before the movie started last night we were shown the preview for 'Fantastic 4'. I have to say I'm rather attracted to watch the movie when it comes out. I vaguely remember watching the 'Fantastic 4' cartoons but I have to confess that I can't remember the main characters. But any how, I really would like to watch it.

Tonight we'll be going out for dinner with some friends at Bellini here in Nottingham. I'm hoping it will be good coz I've never been to the restaurant. Then tomorrow we'll be having another group of friends over for dinner at our place. So this weekend is a rather busy one. We're trying to entertain as many friends as we can before we leave for Malaysia just to say goodbye and to exchange contact details. We're really trying to meet as many as possible but I don't think we can meer them all coz most of them have already returned home to Malaysia for the summer holidays. Plus I'm quite busy with studying and I had to move office last Friday.

Yup! My supervisor has asked me to move office because two new-ish researchers have to be in the same room with one of his post-doc staff which is my officemate. And since I'm the only researcher in that room who's almost done with my PhD, I've been 'kicked out' of the room. Luckily the next door office has a spare desk. So yesterday I had to move all my stuff over and boy was it a hard job to do. Over the 3 and 1/2 years of my research I had accummulated stacks and stacks of papers containing my results. I was always unsure of what to throw and what to keep cos I wanted to be safe than sorry. So yesterday I finally had to sort through them all. But me being the unsure person I am still couldn't throw those unused results away so they're all still sitting there inside a box under my new desk. Hence, until the viva is actually over will I then be able to throw them away.

Anyway, that's what I've been and will be doing these few days. I've got to stop now so I'll write again soon.

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