I'm trying to type the final entry for this year before 12 midnigt strikes. But it's not going to be an easy feat because I can only type with one hand whilst lying in bed and keeping the ipad stable. The othe arm is used by Maisarah as a pillow.she cant sleep without lying on my arm and yes, she still sleeps with us. Don't ask me when she will sleep in her own bed. Oh wait! Since it's going to be a new year in about 15 minutes or so, my new year's resolution could be to train Maisarah to sleep on her own. well, we'll see. I havent been making any new year's resolution for a few years now. so, I'm not sure if I'll make any this time.
But I would like to reflect on the things that have happened in 2011 though. I think the major change in 2011 has to be us miving into our own home. Followed by Maisarah entering kindy. and finally, changes in my career which now requires me to manage a department of staff and students. Shah has also had a change in career so it sure has been an eventful year for us three.
I pray that these changes will bring us more opportunities to become wiser and closer to each other and lots of happy times in 2012, insyaAllah. so, to all , Happy New Year! may thins coming year bring lots of joy and happiness to you and me.